
A Virus Taxonomy Classification Framework

View the Project on GitHub josephhughes/ViCTree

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Case Study: Densovirinae Example

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ViCTreeView features

Following figure shows a snapshot of the Densovirinae tree generated by the ViCTree analysis, visualised in the ViCTreeView module of the framework with blue boxes showing tree visualisation features implemented in ViCTreeView.

ViCTreeView visualisation on the CVR Bioinformatics website. It shows the Densovirinae subfamily level taxonomic classification tree generated by ViCTree pipeline. Distinct clusters are highlighted in different colours when the pairwise distance value is set to 15%. Grey lines indicate the sequences with the pairwise distance higher than 15%.


The ViCTree framework is developed by :

Sejal Modha (@sejmodha), Anil Thanki (@anilthanki) and Joseph Hughes (@josephhughes).